Pure Praise our new ministry
God is so good He has brought our giftings and passions together as one, we are setting out on a mission He gave us to teach kids about praise and purity and how they are connected (according to rom. 12:1.) I was inspired by a young man who came to Choose Life with his girlfriend for a pregnancy test and said he wish he had seen the video before, then maybe who wouldn't of had sex. So it is my goal to go out and inform as many as possible with the knowledge of 'who they are in Christ' and how they can overcome sin!
We were blessed to have our first event only a week after hearing the call, and the people at Wall Highway Baptist were awesome! the kids were enthusiastic and receptive and during the question and answer time we got real with them and shared things that we had gone through in hopes that they would make better choices. Melvin and Toya sat up there with us and answered questions and shared thier testimonies and things they had seen others go through.
The service went great! We spent alot of time preparing and we were nervous, but it went off without a hitch, people kept thanking us and when I thanked them for giving us our first opportunity they couldn't believe it was our first time, that was God!
Melvin kicked it off with some rhymes, then Mike, Evan and Justin kicked it up with some high energy praise, Mike would threw in some teachings about raising your hands, etc.
Then we slowed it down and showed the Pathwyay to Purity video, after that was the q&a time, then Melvin did his song Mother to be about a child being aborted. I answered alot of questions on abortion for them, during the q&a and I know sharing my own experience that I had an abortion when I was their age (15) made it real to them. It was powerful. I realize showing your wounds helps others heal and can also keep them from getting wounded.
After the q&a Mike and the guys led us in a sweet time worship, then the youth pastor gave an altar call and a young man who was a first time visitor gave his life to Christ! Glory be to God! that's what it's all about!
We have another event this Saturday and please realize as we have this is not about fame or fortune, we are just believing for more souls, more freeeom and more of Him! and we know if we seek His kingdom all things will be added unto us! things no eye has seen, no ear heard, no mind concieved, because we love Him!
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