Friday, September 29, 2006
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Pure Praise our new ministry
God is so good He has brought our giftings and passions together as one, we are setting out on a mission He gave us to teach kids about praise and purity and how they are connected (according to rom. 12:1.) I was inspired by a young man who came to Choose Life with his girlfriend for a pregnancy test and said he wish he had seen the video before, then maybe who wouldn't of had sex. So it is my goal to go out and inform as many as possible with the knowledge of 'who they are in Christ' and how they can overcome sin!
We were blessed to have our first event only a week after hearing the call, and the people at Wall Highway Baptist were awesome! the kids were enthusiastic and receptive and during the question and answer time we got real with them and shared things that we had gone through in hopes that they would make better choices. Melvin and Toya sat up there with us and answered questions and shared thier testimonies and things they had seen others go through.
The service went great! We spent alot of time preparing and we were nervous, but it went off without a hitch, people kept thanking us and when I thanked them for giving us our first opportunity they couldn't believe it was our first time, that was God!
Melvin kicked it off with some rhymes, then Mike, Evan and Justin kicked it up with some high energy praise, Mike would threw in some teachings about raising your hands, etc.
Then we slowed it down and showed the Pathwyay to Purity video, after that was the q&a time, then Melvin did his song Mother to be about a child being aborted. I answered alot of questions on abortion for them, during the q&a and I know sharing my own experience that I had an abortion when I was their age (15) made it real to them. It was powerful. I realize showing your wounds helps others heal and can also keep them from getting wounded.
After the q&a Mike and the guys led us in a sweet time worship, then the youth pastor gave an altar call and a young man who was a first time visitor gave his life to Christ! Glory be to God! that's what it's all about!
We have another event this Saturday and please realize as we have this is not about fame or fortune, we are just believing for more souls, more freeeom and more of Him! and we know if we seek His kingdom all things will be added unto us! things no eye has seen, no ear heard, no mind concieved, because we love Him!
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update on the girls
sorry i haven't blogged in so long we have been so super busy
Ariel is loving Headstart (her preschool), she's always saying she can do stuff because she's a 4 yr. old and when she gets done being 4 she's gonna be 16! She still loves hip hop and they are all back in dance again, Amy and Ariel are in different classes though. Ariel is really into Star Wars lately and wants to watch Darf Vader everyday! She's still a sweet heart but has become quite the chatter box.
Amy has been acting up in school, she says there are too many rules, but now she's doing better, I promised she could get a book from the book fair if she stayed on green all week and she did it and she was so proud. She called 911 a few weeks ago and made up a story about some man attacking her dad and that her name was Alyssa and she was 14. The police came guns a blazin' and I'm sure it scared her enough that she won't do that again! my little drama queeen. She was outsided singing at the top of her lungs yesterday, i'm sure the neighbors loved that, and told me she was gonna be a singer some day, i said i'm sure you will.
Abby is an award winning writer, she won an award for a poem she wrote about 9/11, I read it and it was really good! She's also all into animal planet lately, and was crushed when the crocodile hunter died. Me and her went shopping saturday and got her alot of new (new to her anyway) clothes, she's been prancing around in them ever since. She's been acting so grown up, I'm really proud of her!
She's also taking jazz and tap on mondays and lovin' it!!
Stephanie is still at her dads, we haven't seen her or talked to her since Ariel's party, but I'm still praying for her and I have His Peace and I'm still sending her little packages when I can. God's word says He sends His angels charge over us so I know she's protected by Him and I know things will work out according to His Will.
mike jr.'s drum solo
after the guys practiced for pure praise, Michael climbed up all on his own, picked up the sticks and started jammin', I think he's gonna be a drummer! I shot some video and when I get enough time I'm gonna put it on line.
He's into everything now, he pushes the chairs from the kitchen table over to the counter and climbs behind the sink and turns it on and off! and I can't tell you how many times he's got into my makeup using his diaper pail as a way to climb up there, then the other day he caught a spider by the leg, ewww! now I know what everybody meant when they said boys are different!
last night the girls were building with blocks and Michael would just knock whatever they made down, much to their dismay, but by the grinchy grin on his face he was having fun, and yes living with girls has effected him, he was pushing the doll stroller while wearing a pink hat, bless his heart, he's my little man and just a joy to have around! we love you buddy!
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my niece is having a little girl!
We had a baby shower for my niece last Saturday, She's so excited she's having a little girl, and her name is Taytum Reed. My big sis Kelly (left) is gonna be a grandma! she's starting to get used to the idea. Krissy lives in Georgia with her hubby Codi, he's in the army and has been in Iraq but he's back now. Kelly went all out for this shower and it was so much fun!! Love ya'll! Congratulations!
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pure praise, information table
What you don't know can kill you! We sat up an information table with stuff on abortion, purity, and stds, etc. Knowledge is power, and God's people perish for the lack of it, especially those in the womb. We also had our Cds one of which is called newminds, which is me reading scripture and mike singing worship songs, rom. 12:1 says that we are to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and the Word of God is the only way!!
That's Toya's little girl Amiya in the picture below, she's so sweet!
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